The Toyota Today magazine needed to adhere to the overarching Toyota visual identity, but because of the magazine's niche audience, there was freedom to push the look and feel with bold typography and impactful photo crops.

Feature stories like this one were given the most visual differentiation from the rest of the magazine.

Sometimes, the client was unable to source imagery or the photos were low-quality. To solve this design problem, I added visual interest with bold typography and color blocking.

Pull quotes were used to add length to feature stories when they were too long for a single page but too short for two pages.

I drew design inspiration directly from the stories themselves. For a feature on a new Toyota Tundra paint color, I incorporated a halftone grunge effect reminiscent of screen printing, reinforcing the rugged, hands-on craftsmanship associated with the vehicle.

This issue from February 2022 is an example of the typical Toyota Today format. The magazine starts with the cover and the table of contents followed by a "Dealer Doing" feature—a story about a Toyota dealership making an impact in their community. Each issue included at least one Dealer Doing, the cover story, and a few smaller stories.

In addition to the digital magazine, I designed newsletter emails in Adobe XD to promote each issue.