I designed large-scale double-sided hanging banners that were installed in the hallways around the convention center. These banners featured a "playful perspective" headline on one side and wayfinding signage to direct attendees to the California Plaza on the other.
An example of the front and back sides of the double-side interior banners. All trade show materials were built to a 1:24 or 1:36 scale depending on size for client approval.
This archway was placed at the entrance and exit to the California Plaza area at the convention. Upon entering, visitors would see the welcome message, while the "Enjoy the Ultimate Playground" message was displayed upon exiting to encourage attendees to experience California.
Two sections of security fencing were designed to alternate in a pattern, ensuring cohesive branding while providing enough graphic variety to avoid feeling repetitive throughout the event space.
This 3-sided triangle structure was placed near the entrance of the event space. It featured a welcome message, a sponsor thank you message, and the Visit California tagline.
This banner design was created for light poles outside the convention center to maximize brand visibility and assist with wayfinding.

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